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Our Story

Theroma was established in 2018 with the aim of creating incredible therapeutic candles designed to enhance your mood and wellbeing. 


We use only pure, natural ingredients and never use artificial perfumes or petrochemicals. All Theroma products contain 100% natural soy wax and pure essential oils. We use the optimum amount of essential oils in every candle to ensure you receive a luxurious treatment product with the highest level of therapeutic benefits possible. 


Our range of therapeutic candles are designed to fill your room with effective and beautiful scents. Once you have experienced a true aromatherapy candle, we believe you will be converted. 


All Theroma candles are handmade in Cornwall, UK using only quality, natural ingredients. 

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Alice Dale

Theroma was established by Alice Dale, a self-confessed lover of all things aromatherapy. Alice has a background working in the mental health industry and a passion for helping others to look after their well-being. Theroma was created based upon these two passions and the outcome was our aromatic candles with incredible therapeutic benefits that are available today.

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Aromatherapy Candles are the perfect solution to help with relaxation, anxiety, stress relief and for sleep preparation.
Aromatherapy is a modern version of plant medicine. It uses the therapeutic properties of plant materials and aromatic plant oils to help improve health and well-being. The oils can positively impact the mind and body through inhaling their scent or applying to the skin. The fragrance of essential oils are known to stimulate the area of the brain that controls mood and emotions.

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It is argued that paraffin and synthetic fragrances, which are found in many candles, can have a negative impact on physical health. Though they seem safe, regular scented candles that use synthetic fragrances and paraffin wax can be a big source of indoor air pollution. The emissions from paraffin candles contain many of the same toxins produced by burning diesel fuel and can lead to problems such as aggravating asthma, causing allergy-like symptoms, or irritating the respiratory tract.

A study carried out by Professor Alastair Lewis of the National Centre for Atmospheric Science at the University of York found that an ingredient commonly used to give candles their scent mutates into formaldehyde upon contact with the air:

‘The majority of candles sold in the UK are made from paraffin wax, a by-product of the petroleum industry. These have been shown to release an alarming range of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), substances that can be problematic to health. Unless your candle is clearly made of 100% soy, rapeseed or some other natural wax it will be paraffin.
When researchers burnt a range of candles in a laboratory for a study the chemicals released in harmful amounts included human carcinogens and chemicals known to cause asthma attacks, such as toluene and benzene'.

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